This bibliography includes both academic and non-academic texts with a central focus on Sarah Stoddart Hazlitt. The bibliography is not an exhaustive list of texts that reference SSH and will be updated continually with new information.
Sources on SSH
Andrews, Kerri. Wanderers: A History of Women Walking. Reaktion Books, 2020.
Balle, Mary Blanchard. “Mary Lamb and Sarah Stoddart: An Unlikely Friendship.” Charles Lamb Bulletin 106
(April 4, 1999): 54–65. https://www.charleslambsociety.com/CLSBulletin(1973-today)/Issue%20106.pdf.
Barker, John R. “Some Early Correspondence of Sarah Stoddart and the Lambs.” Huntington Library Quarterly:
Studies in English and American History and Literature 24 (1960 1960): 59–69.
Jones, Stanley. “The Hazlitts at the Mitre Court ‘Wednesdays’ in 1808: Hidden Implications of a Mary Lamb
Letter.” Charles Lamb Bulletin 57 (January 1, 1987): 17–19.
Woof, Robert. “John and Sarah Stoddart: Friends of the Lambs.” Charles Lamb Bulletin 45 (January 1, 1984): 93–
109. https://www.charleslambsociety.com/CLSBulletin(1973-today)/Issue45(Jan1984).pdf.
Sources on the Journal
Andrews, Kerri. “Women’s Walking Tours and Romantic Wilderness.” The Wordsworth Circle 52, no. 3 (2021):
342–57. https://doi.org/10.1086/714908.
Beattie-Smith, Gillian. “Writing the Self: The Journal of Sarah Stoddart Hazlitt, 1774–1843.” Women’s History
Review 22, no. 2 (April 2013): 197–210. https://doi.org/10.1080/09612025.2012.726110.
Hagglund, Betty. Tourists and Travellers: Women’s Non-Fictional Writing about Scotland, 1770-1830. Channel
View Publications, 2009.
Hofkosh, Sonia. Sexual Politics and the Romantic Author. Cambridge Studies in Romanticism: 29. Cambridge
University Press, 1998.
Warner, Sylvia Townsend. "Mrs Hazlitt’s Divorce." The Journal of the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society, 21, no.2
(2022):123-132. doi: 10.14324/111.444.stw.2021.11.
Related Biographies
Anthony, Katharine Susan. The Lambs: a Story of Pre-Victorian England. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1945.
Birrell, Augustine. William Hazlitt. London: Macmillan, 1902.
Hazlitt, William Carew. Four Generations Of A Literary Family: The Hazlitts In England, Ireland & America, 1725-
1896. London, 1897. https://books.google.com/books?id=zcnFxwEACAAJ&pg=PR15#v=onepage&q&f=false
Hitchcock, Susan Tyler. Mad Mary Lamb: Lunacy And Murder In Literary London. New York: W.W. Norton, 2005.
Maclean, Catherine Macdonald. Born Under Saturn, A Biography Of William Hazlitt. New York: Macmillan, 1944.
Pearson, Hesketh. The Fool of Love: a Life of William Hazlitt. London: Hamilton, 1934.
Houck, James A. “Hazlitt’s Divorce: The Court Records.” The Wordsworth Circle 6, no. 2 (1975): 115–20.